Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fast " Eat to Grow Muscle "Stategy

Eat to grow muscle questions can be quite confusing if not addressed properly . I assume you already use some kind of Nutritional Calculator for getting your nutrition profile. If you did not start that I will suggest better you start looking for one. In this article I will also provide you with the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats you need to consume each day to burn that fat away and build muscle as efficiently as possible.

Once you are clear about your macronutrient profile, you should make sure that your Diet Plan is filled with best food choices possible. You can buy quite expensive ones or use free nutritional calculating sites but if you ask me I recommend one you receive with our muscle building program since it is user friendly, efficient and very professionally made . Science knows how do muscles grow so all we do is done according to the newest scientific facts.

In this article I want to explain about those food types I believe must be included in diet plan of a serious athlete. If you want to ensure the best results possible from training high quality diet is something you must have. And that is not hard and expensive to achieve, you will see.

Goal of that diet plan is to build a highly efficient body and it applies to all Sporting disciplines not only to Bodybuilding. How to eat to grow muscle plan is important what ever Sport discipline you take serious , your aim should be to allow your body to become perfect machine of pristine health that excels in athletic performance. The key aspect of efficient nutrition is food choice. Many bodybuilders just don't understand the great importance of consuming a variety of whole foods in their diet. They become narrow in their choices made under the influence of various commercial body building magazines and it usually means chicken breasts, white rice and green beans. If you are one of these people, then you are probably stopping your own advancement.

You must not be a PhD to understand that synergistic interaction from an array of nutrients enhance biological functions at the cellular level and that makes a foundation for optimum nutrition nothing else. Best results in your muscle mass building you can achieve only with wide variety of food choices. Here I will give you a list (in alphabetical order) of high quality eat to grow muscle food and keep in mind that each of those provides a multitude of benefits. Here they are.

Apples: Yes! They are great source of pectin; a natural fiber that is essential to healthy regulation of blood fats and cholesterol in body. Apple helps to stabilize blood glucose (and insulin) levels. For anybody who wants fast muscle growth, stable blood glucose and insulin levels are crucial in order to maintaining the anabolic drive. (That is supporting muscle growth and fat loss at the same time) Big % of natural vitamin C, makes apple powerful food that protects cells from damage. But vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron and folate; two essential nutrients for optimum energy production. One apple throughout the day is a great and tasty snack that provides you reach your physique goals.

Broccoli: All vegetables are packed up with unique elements that are essential to optimum nutrition. Broccoli sticks out because it provides more benefits than most other vegies. Broccoli is rich source of bioavailable vitamins and minerals (such as beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, folate and natural fiber), but it also contains a spectrum of phytonutrients. I tell you this is unique plant because of powerful benefits from phytochemicals and polyphenols that scientists are only just starting to understand.
These compounds help improve insulin sensitivity of muscle, promote efficient heart function under the stress of exercise, and provide a spectrum of antioxidants that protect against excessive cellular damage caused by intense training programs. Broccoli is one food you can never get too much of.

Blueberries: Want long healthy life? For all of us with same goal blueberries should be a common part of diet. Blueberries contain a rich in a spectrum of nutrients and low in calories. The potency of the antioxidants and phytonutrients contained within this fruit are much higher than others. Many researches prove great benefits this fruit has on brain functions. Memory, cognition and protection against deterioration are main fields where great improvements are measured on regular Blueberries lovers. If brain is not sharp and healthy we remain just bag of bones and meat, do not forget that.

Beans: You should take them all! Red, pinto, black and kidney all of them are just an excellent low-fat source of key minerals (copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and the B-group vitamins). Legumes provide fiber that is highly important for anybody with goal of building massive muscles and keeping the fat levels low. It is because the fiber from beans when taken swells in the intestine, making you feel more satisfied from the meal. Also for digestion and processing of body use up and burns a lot of calories. This in needed to keep the metabolism elevated and ensure fat-burning potential. It is scientifically proven than legumes rich diet keeps cholesterol level normal and protect against heart disease!

Low fat, protein-rich dairy foods: A substantial amount of scientific research has accumulated over recent years that support a rather unlikely concept. The intake of dairy calcium has a profound influence on how easily an individual gains or sheds body fat. A high intake of dairy-based calcium not only protects against body fat accumulation, it enables a person to utilize (burn) more fat for energy. The best source of calcium that provides this beneficial effect on fat metabolism is low-fat, protein-rich dairy foods.
Foods such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese fall into this category. However, maybe this is one reason why some supplements have such a profound effect on body composition. If you use one that contains a spectrum of low fat, dairy proteins you are on right track. If you're trying to get into shape, regular servings of low fat dairy proteins will boost dairy calcium intake and ensure more efficient fat loss.

So this is how do muscles grow :-) One out of 10 Hot Bonuses you get with our muscle mass building program is called empowered nutrition. I can imagine you more than happy with this 84 day healthy meal plans. We are giving you here unique 84 day meal plans with a variety of food. That's 12 full weeks of no-guesswork, just... healthy eating.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Best Diet for the Fast Muscle Building Routines

This is 2nd part of valuable information on best things you should have in your diet in order to achieve maximum from your muscle building routines. In this part I want to explain those foods that I believe must be included in diet plans of all serious athletes. If you want to ensure you get the best results possible from training, high quality diet is something you must have.

Olive oil: The potency of olive oil and its bioactive properties have been recently confirmed in research. Olive oil lowers blood pressure, improves blood cholesterol and promotes good fat metabolism. via the mitochondria in cells by helping to release energy as heat. It has elements that provide powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

ATTENTION: It is proved that processed olive oils do not contain the bioactive phenolics. However, virgin and extra virgin olive oils contain an abundance of these valuable compounds. So be sure the olive oil you use every day is virgin or extra virgin oil.

Lean red meat: This is question and kind of unsolved issue I must admit. While majority weight lifters do proclaim meat, especially lean red meat, as unavoidable ingredient in rich diet. But there are numerous studies that show opposite results too. I will leave this up to you. About meat you surely know a lot. But I must warn you do not overlook the negative effects meat eating on anabolic processes in the body and also on general health. My personal example shows that it is more than possible to build and keep massive muscle mass without meat as regular part of a diet. There are quite few great examples of vegetarian weight lifters, steel I'm fully aware that majority of people are not able or willing to experiment in this direction.

Cold water fish: Salmon, sardines and tuna fish all are just good. If you want to have protein-rich diet, you should make sure that the your protein is a nutritious as possible. Besides they are good source of protein, they are a fair source of omega-3 fatty acids, which I believe are essential for good nutrition for all athletes. Benefits of omega-3 are best for weight lifters and bodybuilders. These essential fats are shown to reduce inflammation, enhance fat utilization during exercise and block the major pathway of muscle breakdown. I don't think that you can meet omega-3 requirements only from food, but including cold water fish as a big part of your protein intake is a good start. If possible, choose the wild varieties of these types of fish; they are less likely to contain unwanted chemicals.

Sweet potatoes: Did you ever wandered about the deep orange-yellow color of sweet potatoes? This is a sign of rich nutritious content. Sweet potatoes are packed with beta-carotene and vitamin C, B-6, B12 and potassium. You must like their delicious taste specially when baked. Sweet potatoes are virtually fat-free and low in calories. Ditch the pale traditional spud for the power-packed sweet potato and reap the benefits.

Tomato juice: is effective in reducing fatigue because it contain high % of lycopene, an antioxidant that also provides strong protection against heart disease and certain types of cancer. But be balanced in quantities while drinking it since it is easy to exceed your calorie intake. However, a 200-250ml serving of tomato juice each day is the equivalent of natures power-packed vitamin supplement. Fresh is best but some of the bottled are also very good.

Hopefully by now, you got idea of the importance of nutritious, whole foods and the powerful benefits it can have on your health and muscle building routines results.

Keep this in mind: the more you strive for a holistic approach in your diet and incorporate a variety of whole foods into your eating plan, the more powerful the benefits of supplementation become.

One of the Bonuses you get with our Fast Muscle Building Routines program is called Empowered Nutrition. I can imagine you more than happy with this 84 Day HEALTHY Meal Plans. It is called "The Hardgainers Secret Weapon" not without the reason. It gives you unique 84 day meal plans with a variety of food. That's 12 full weeks of no-guesswork, just... healthy eating. All point is to help you achieve complete control of how much muscle you gain.

Train Hard but Smart !!!

Sasha James

Fast Muscle Building Workouts 4 Guy's:

Fast Body Shaping Workouts 4 Ladies :

Ultimate Muscle Advantage :

Sunday, August 17, 2008

3 Tips for the Male Muscle Building Success !

What are the causes of muscle growth?

To make your muscles grow in size and strength , three things are required.
There are essencial thing to all things we do. For the male muscle building three main factors are required to promote fast muscle growth:

1. A Stimulus to the muscles - Weight lifting is needed to make the muscles work, use up the energy from body and cause microscopic damage to the muscle fibers.

2. Proper Nutrition - for having success with intense exercise program the muscles need to replenish their stocks of fuel.

3. Rest - muscles repair the microscopic damage and they do grow during the rest or recovery phase.

Here are the supplements I can recommend from experiance. They are so potent if properlly used together with the complete male muscle building workout program and good diet.

Creatine :

This is a never ending source for positive health and muscle-building benefits for your muscle growth . It is important to use plenty of liquid , water is still the best, that will make you even stronger and able to lift heavier and advance more and even recover faster. Good lean muscle gains is easy to achieve with this, and that facilitates you to work more and go for better and better muscle growth stimulation.

Protein Powders:

Whey Isolate Powder is the best food supplement you can take to help repair and growth of muscle tissue after an intense exercise program. Casein Protein is to be taken just before going to sleep at night . It's a slow digesting Protein and it is best to supply the body with a continuous flow of amino acids for repair the "damage" in the tissue and to stimulate the growth through the night while you sleep.

Muscles are gaining size and weight due to hypertrophic adaptation and an increase in the cross section area of individual muscle fibers. Intensive training impacts more on the strength influencing fast twitch type II fibers, therefore the increase in muscle size is resulting with greater strength of your muscles.

There are various other supplements like various amino acids, protein bars, growth hormone, and a huge selection of multi vitamins, all with varying ingredients focuses to help promote muscle growth. Growth Hormone is released by the pituitary gland and causes our growth, particularly during our teenage years when we hit puberty. In time, this hormone functions slows down, but if we take it in clever and scientific way as a supplement to our nutrition , we witness a significant increase in growth in muscles and sometimes in bone growth as well. This is a popular choice for muscle building supplements, since the results are very stunning and often surprise people with repeated use.

Protein bars are a safe and delicious way to help promote muscle growth. Many people love to eat them in order to help stave off hunger and provide the body with an extra boost of energy, without sugar or fat. Protein Bars are made by hundreds of different companies, so you should be able to find one you like with a few different tries.

How to increase muscle size ?

You must really Go Heavy and Work Hard ! As much you attack your muscles you'll damage more fibers and force them to rebuild bigger and stronger. Off course it is clever to use good advices from real life athletes with experience and knowledge. You noticed already that it is not easy to separate quality from crap nowadays, especially for not experienced athletes. Created was the power male muscle building
system. Back to the theme , basic things to achieve muscle growth are :

1. Heavy weights.

2. Low repetitions (6-8).

3. Long rest periods (2-4 mins).

The low reps affect muscle fibers in a unique way that causes maximum muscle growth. The heavier the weight, the more muscle fibers are used.

This type of training also stimulates our natural levels of testosterone. Testosterone is the ''muscle growth'' hormone!

I prefer doing compound exercises for this type of training like the squat, the bench press and the shoulder press. You can use a lot of weight in these movements to strongly stimulate muscle growth.

A study published in 1997 found that knocking out the myostatin gene in mice enabled them to grow bigger muscles. Studies on cattle also found that those that were naturally bulky produced less Myostatin protein. The scientists believe these latest findings show that the same process works in humans.

They also believe that techniques used to block this gene in mice could be used on humans, including those who have difficulty developing muscles.

"This is the first evidence that Myostatin regulates muscle mass in people as it does in other animals," said Dr Se-Jin Lee, professor of molecular biology and genetics.

So , I hope this three elements are already fully present in your routines. If not please do consider this , you will see improvements very fast. It took me quite some time to find exact balance and best male muscle building program for myself but when I finally did I packed 25lbs of lean muscle mass in just three months.

Here is another Video you can like and use to enhance your muscle gains and advancement .

Author: Sasha James

Web Site:


You can download my Free eBook and contact me with any questions you may have.
I'll be more than happy to help you get near to your muscle building goals fast....

OR ...

You can read more useful articles at

Male Muscle Building Success

Man Muscle Building Workouts :

Women Muscle Building Workouts :

Ultimate Muscle Advantage :

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Double Your Muscle Mass Building Workouts Results

Having difficulty to simply get up and head your way towards the gym? Well, you are not alone. For most people, it takes a lot of mental energy and commitment to jump and move towards the gym on time. Muscle mass building workouts are demanding specially if you didn't master the strategy and effective , fast working set of weekly muscle building workouts which work for you.

But also, to show up is in the gym is only half the battle, because physically being present and being focused on giving 100% to your workouts is not the same. If you are getting little older (like me) and/or have to deal with every day duties and family life, to overcome this mental blocks is even more important to you. We all know that coming home after work and than having to deal with everyday house hold life is stressful and can really hinder your training progress. It is very difficult for most of us to jump on to muscle mass building workouts if you've put in 8, 10, or 12 hours at your work. I want to share with you something that can help you overcome this obstacle.

I remember clearly when I was just starting out going to my office work only problem I had with going to office every day was that it got in the way of my workout schedule. Before that, I simply took care about school work and trained. Oh, how I missed those days when I had all the time in the world and most of it was dedicated to working out. But then the things changed completely! I'm sure nobody has to explain how it feels to come home after 10 or 12 hour long working hours filed with stress.

Those first 5 or 6 weeks were ugly. When returning to my home, only thing I could do is simply collapse on the couch, dead to the world with no motivation to get up and head to the gym. But it was intolerable and soon I had to figure out a way to get back my energy level and enthusiasm. I was feeling death without my workouts! I somehow started again going to the gym and my muscle mass building workouts
schedule was very bitter experience. This phases and forms of struggle I would not like you to visit even in your dreams.


One day as I came home from work as usual, but due to the electricity failure I was forced to take a really cold shower (I never did that before). As soon I finished, I realized a huge difference! I was super refreshed and ready to give my best and reach all goals I set on my weekly muscle building workouts. Cold shower woke me right up and I felt energized and refreshed.

Did you ever try this? You should try out this one simple trick to get your energy levels up. Yeah, it takes 10 minutes more of your time since most of us like to shower after the workout I know. If you try you will feel how powerful this is and what a boost it will give to your advancement.

This one is simple and simple things are the best ones. I still do it to this day before I work out. I'll take my pre-workout shakes 15 minutes before my shower and after I get out, I feel good and clean. My workouts are fresh and energized. I can thank to this same freshness of mind that I came to perfect muscle mass building workouts system I was searching for myself. The way I look at it, is if you find something that works for you, use it and get the most from it. On some days I do skip my "cold shower therapy" because I don't feel so tired etc. But I can see, I always have a better workout if I take a shower before my workouts.

If you find yourself tired and lazy after a hard days work, try taking a shower before your muscle mass building workouts. I'm positive you'll notice a big difference in the way you feel before your workouts. Specially if you get to good effective weekly muscle building workouts you will advance so fast just by applying this simple thing.

Here is a Video you can use :

Perfect Muscle Mass Building Workouts

Man Muscle Building Workouts :

Women Muscle Building Workouts :

Ultimate Muscle Advantage :

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What are the Best Muscle Building Supplements


I can be sure that you are kind of searching 4the best answer to this question.

Best muscle building supplements are needed to all who are serious to gain large muscle fast BUT there is a HUGE mess of information overload we have all around us.

So how to be sure about what are the Best Muscle Building Supplements we can use? If you ask me , I got so much benefit from informations presented in this Video.

Have fun, train hard and ENJOY results.....

You can build up Massive and Strong Body fast, without risking your health. Sasha's advices saved time, money and good health to many Athletes. His dedication, profound experience and personal example are causing the difference. Visit the web page to claim your Free copy of
Gain Big Muscles Fast e-Book.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to Gain Big Muscles Fast

To achieve anything in life one must have clear goals and precise deadlines. Life shows are all around clear examples that we perform significantly better and achieve much better results if we are completely clear on what we want and when we possess a feeling of urgency to complete it.

Same qualities that allow us to prosper in any area of our lives will make us successful with our training efforts as well. To gain big muscles fast is not hard nor expensive to achieve. The fact is, unfortunately, many people don't use those mental strategies that make them expert at other things with them into the gym. Muscle Mass Building system I accepted after years of struggle contains all we need in order to gain big muscles fast and stay healthy. Here I want to cover most important points.

The following tips are easy to implement and will quickly help you take your training efforts to a much higher level:

1. Have clear plan before the training session

Please do not start your way towards gym without knowing exactly what you are going to do on your workout. Never be guided by your feelings on a particular training. You know very well that your feelings about anything can change sometimes every few moments . Enter your gym with a plan-of-attack and be ready to execute that plan the best your ability reaches once you have clear plan.

2. You should be ready to work out and start on time

With or without having a training partner waiting, either you do squeeze the workout before doing something else or not , always specify a time when you want to start and end your training session. I speak about exact time that you will actually begin your first warm-up set-not the time you enter the gym's locker room. You may have experience with this, it's sometimes very easy to long the start of a particularly challenging workout or get distracted talking to friends. A precise workout always starts with precision timing. Manage your time in such way to always arrive at the gym at a designated time and be ready to get the job done.

3. Specify time frame

You'll go trough your program smoothly and efficiently when you establish a time frame that you are committed to work within. It will be much easier to focus on the matter-at-hand when you only have so much time to do so. Conversations with friends in the gym that can easily wait until after your workout will become few and far between. Make a fun out of meeting the time goal that you've established. This is just one more simple way to set the stage for a more productive training session.

4. Have clear picture in mind before you lift first weight

Know the minimum number of reps you want to do before your hands even touch a barbell, dumbbell, or training machine apparatus. You should also know the minimum number of calories you want to burn and the minimum distance you want to travel before your feet touch the bike pedals or machine floor mat when doing cardiovascular training as well. You should never leave your body dictate what you can do when you can use your powerful mind to bolster its performance. If your body wants to do increase and do better than the goals you have set you should definitely listen your body's inspiration.

5. Feel the muscle group

Did you caught yourself moving the weight from "Point A" to "Point B" with very little attention given to the targeted groups being worked? You materialize what you focus on in the gym, same as everywhere else. By all means, go for the heavy weights if you are striving for maximum muscle growth in the shortest period of time. Never lose sight of the fact that you only want particular muscles to work. Your body will instinctively look for the path of least resistance and recruit whatever muscles it can to move the weight from "Point A" to "Point B" but not if you consciously make an effort not to let it do go that way.

6. Analyze the performance after your workout

Each and every workout can give you the reason to make your next one even better. While it's still fresh, take few minutes to assess your training performance. You want to reinforce what you've done well so you'll repeat those things you've singled out-and curtail what didn't go well before you've established bad habits. We all maintain our own concepts of what makes a workout good, bad, or somewhere in between. Well? How was it today? Most important is to evaluate how close you actually came to accomplishing your objectives. Make decision to take few minutes for assessment before you leave the gym. Beginner-Intermediate 29 Week Intensive Plan is complete answer if you are just starting with weight lifting and if you are already pushing your way I challenge you , check out Advanced 29 Week MaxPower Plan and you will have complete gain big muscles fast program available to maximize your advancement.

7. Plan next workout before you leave the gym

I feel there is no need to get really detailed about this one but do take the time to think about your next workout. You'll prepare your mental "wheels" in motion with few moments of investing your energy in building picture of what will come during your next training session. Trust me. You'll be astonished with how effectively your subconscious brain will prepare you for your next productive workout over the next day or so-with very little effort on your part. You'll discover that this tip is a great investment of the last 30 to 60 seconds you spend in the gym.

Make your goals clear and precise deadlines are essential to all notable accomplishments. Use these seven easy-to-do mental tricks and you will accelerate your advancement and really gain big muscles faster than you can imagine.

You can build up Massive and Strong Body fast, without risking your health. Sasha's advices saved time, money and good health to many Athletes. His dedication, profound experience and personal example are causing the difference. Visit the web page to claim your Free copy of
Gain Big Muscles Fast e-Book.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to Build Bigger Muscle - How it Works

When people speak about bodybuilding it is kind of funny to hear them sometimes. You may have different experience with this but I had chance to hear so many really stupid opinions coming from the mouth of different people. Common misconception of average adult misguided by media is that bodybuilding and build bigger muscle training is only about oiled-up freaks, huge ugly "animals" posing in their swim wear.

Many people are getting scared or disgusted from looking at those huge man (and women) and foolishly they form kind of thinking which is very destructive for their own wellbeing and health. Why?

You see those people fail to know that average adult can expect to gain approximately 1 pound of fat every year between ages 30 to 60, and lose about a half pound of muscle over that same time span. This makes total of 15 pound loss of muscle tissue and a 30 pound gain in fat! Very good, isn't it? You surely want to experience this in your life. Of course it comes in package with many other side reactions.

But let us be focused. Important thing you need to know about the age-related changes in body composition is their metabolic repercussions. Due to their volume and nature (mass and mitochondrial content) muscle is the largest site fat utilization we have.

This means that muscle not only plays an integral role in burning fat for fuel, it also maintains healthy blood profiles that prevent all cardiovascular disease. And that is just part of story and I bet you want to hear the rest of it.

Proper approach to build bigger muscle systems and nutrition is probably best pastime you can indulge your body in. There is just so many scientific and medical proves to this. Weight training preserves and builds valuable muscle mass to help fight muscle degradation/fat accumulation process. Even better news comes from a recent study that showed weight training boosts mitochondrial activity in muscle cells to improve energy production. Who does not need more energy? We are all experience more and more stressful situations and low energy levels is just bad, unhealthy condition many people accept as normal.

I have over 17 years of weight lifting behind me and I hardly ever feel lack of energy and power. But how do I build muscle? Here is just most important guidelines. You do not, please , spend fortune on the food supplements better spend 5 hours per week in the gym and follow the proven method.

One more thing is especially interesting to know if you are approaching your fifties.

The mitochondria in cells convert the fat, carbohydrates and protein we eat into usable form of energy. Research showed proves that build bigger muscle in older adults (over 55 years) is super beneficial to overall health and wellbeing. We always need regulated gene activities running in our system but it becomes crucial after age of 50. Natural Muscle Mass Building lifts up regulated gene activity associated with better mitochondrial function.

Training regularly with weights enables our cells' mitochondria to produce energy more efficiently from the foods we eat. It is simple math.

Basically, what we get from proper build bigger muscle training is longer life, more energy, vitality and health. If that isn't a great reason to start with weight training practice I don't know what is.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Best Muscle Building Workouts Essence

It may sound to simple or funny but many people just simply miss out to take this important step. No matter if you want to lose weight, tone up, get stronger, get in better shape this is 101 , key element most of people miss in their muscle building workouts. This type of approach is not proper because it is unclear and therefore the results will be of the similar nature. For example, someone states they want to have more muscle and strength. More muscle? How much more? And where you want to gain muscle mass more ? Do you want to have it on your tongue? Off course not.

Or you can imagine somebody wants to become stronger? OK, but stronger in what sense? Does that person want to become stronger in a particular exercise or do they want to be able to play with their kids without getting tired. I hope that you are one of us that understand clearly that proper goal setting is very, very important. Remember to follow the basic rules of muscle building workouts is goal setting. And here they are. As soon you start using them , sooner you will see the results ! Goals characteristics :

* You can measure them
* Achievable
* Have meaning and value for you
* In harmony to Your Personal Value System
* Set with Completion Date
* Outline Sacrifices that will have to be Made
* Create a Plan

Are you one of those people who worry about the "perfect" muscle building workouts ? If you are, let me help you - there is NO such thing. Every workout has pros and cons; the point is that your current workout plan has more benefits than costs. First of all you should come to the plan that you know you can consistently follow. Sometimes people have very good programs written on papers and in their planners, but they are not applicable to them, their lifestyle and abilities! So, at first place please do take steps towards that.

When you are done , you can concentrate on implementing exercises, sets, reps, etc. This is where hiring a qualified instructor can pay off to you. If he is good off course. The reason I recommend hiring a coach is that you can gain valuable ideas on program design and learn new exercises. Since I am very cynical on the actual number of "good" coaches let me provide some basic things to help you find a qualified instructor. Basically , you can do two things. In order to find good , efficient and affordable fitness / muscle building instructor you should:

- Check His/Hers current credentials.

- Ask when was the last education seminar they attended (this will show their commitment to education which is the key for their success).

- Personally check out with current clients about what they got out of the training methods

- See if they perform a physical assessment on your abilities and take time to outline your goals specifically.

- See how organized is he or she (you can see that easy by things like prints out plan, time scheduling etc.)

- Make sure you and the trainer set a completion date to measure the success of the program.


You can save great deal of your time, energy and money by simply using advantages of unbiased, proved muscle building workouts and you will be more than happy if you try that one. In order to be successful in this way you will need to have your own strong decision. You may call this a disadvantage,decision is entirely on you. It's your life and your call I decided long and this is why I'm telling you this. This one is dozen times better, quicker, and cheaper.

Time frame

Just keep things simple. There are some very easy things to do basically having a logical progression in one's training is what is important to have. If you have guidance than you have your program of exercises, cycling, phases etc. all planed in detail. If, for any reason you decide to take longer way here are few things you need to know in order to advance:

- Do one program for not longer than four weeks.

- In the fourth week cut down the amount of work to half. If you typically are doing 24 total sets in a workout, cut it down to 12. This is known as de-loading which is necessary to stimulate new increases. The body cannot constantly make increases without a break.

- In each micro-cycle (which would be approximately the duration of the month) try to increase the load of the core lift by 5% each week.

- Do not train to failure for the majority of your training. This will inhibit your ability to recover and make progress in the following routine. There is no research that training to failure is any more effective in stimulating gains in body composition.

Some people are getting to the end of their inspiration simply because they do not know the variety that exists. And therefore they are bored and stacked. It is quite easy to take exercise and develop many more movements. In the many muscle building workouts you don't find this. But in program I refer too I consider as the best for me this is covered in detail but I will show you method here how to take one exercise and change it a million ways so that you can stick with some basic lifts and just change the way they are performed. It is just to give you idea.

Lets take the dead lift. for example It is a terrific exercise for stimulating so many different muscles.

Conventional, Sumo (wider stance), Clean Grip (hands just outside thighs), Snatch Grip (hands much wider), Off Pins (this will place more work on the lower back), Off Elevated Platform (standing on an increase height will put more work in the gluts and hamstrings), Romanian (common known as stiff-legged, but actually performed with slight bend in knees), Dumbbell (this usually requires more work in the legs because the increased depth), One Legged with Dumbbells or Kettle bells, Cable One-arm (more work for the grip and abdominals), Barbell Hack "Squat-Hip Dom" (the bar is behind the body), Dead lift plus explosive shrug (great for trap development and preparatory work for Olympic lifts).

Recovery Methods

I hope there is no need to convince you that if you want to achieve anything from their training needs to make sure they are receiving enough sleep and implementing a proper nutrition program. I am still amazed how many emails I receive from readers that are confused why they are not making progress in their training even when they admit they do not eat well. Well... this is easy, clean up the diet!! You cannot expect to make progress on junk fast food and sugars. There is a classic saying, "Doing what you know is different than knowing what to do".

Many injuries can be avoided and many aches and pains cleared up if people were to take their post-workout recovery seriously. I will post entire article on that very soon It could be as simple as icing the trained muscles, or using contrast showers. I constantly hear about the amazing muscle building workouts that Eastern European countries use and here in the West many try to copy these training protocols.

Two things you should consider here. First is, avoid cows mentality! Cow is always considering the grass on the other side of the fence as more juicy. It is NOT always better what we don't have near us. Second is that these coaches and trainers forget that these methods were used in harmony with complex recovery techniques. You can't train like a top sportsman individual if you are not willing to complete all the work that such training involves.

You can build up Massive and Strong Body fast, without risking your health. Sasha's advices saved time, money and good health to many Athletes. His dedication, profound experience and personal example are causing the difference. Visit the web page to claim your Free e-Book's and Video's to Learn about the potency of Natural and Fast Muscle Building.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is the Fastest Way to Gain Muscle?

There are so many programs on how to gain weight and muscle mass around nowadays. Many people do want to find out what is the fastest way to gain muscle. It is confusing and frustrating for those who are searching for proved and high quality system. You see, when I decided to transform my body from quite ugly looking to attractive and muscular one in shortest time possible, I could not imagine difficulties and useless, time wasting programs I will be faced with.

I lost so much time, energy and money before I got to the point. I don't know about you but I had faith in bodybuilding magazines and things they advertise and recommend. No, please do not think I did stupid things like jumping from one system to another. I worked hard in the gym and outside doing all what they recommend to people. I changed routines only when I stagnated more than three months. Steel I was far away from knowing for sure what is the fastest way to gain muscle.

Supplements are main and essential part of that huge false propaganda all around as and yes, I was faithful consumer of different supplements like creatine, meal replacements, different protein powder mixtures as well as fat burners. Monthly I had about 800$ expenditure on special diets and supplements. I had hard time to earn so much extra money but my strong desire kept me finding new ways and means to do that.

I was frustrated because I had weak results, whatever I tried. I gained only 23lbs of new muscle mass in 28 months which is not at all spectacular result if you compared to amount of time, energy and money I invested. It all changed when I moved to another part of town and I had to find another gym. That was easy , only 2 blocks away I found perfect one. I started going there doing my thing and soon I made friends with Mike and Chad. Because or their massive and ripped bodies I was convinced they are steroid users and but I was so desperate already that I really wanted to consider even that option in order to gain more muscle mass. I didn't know they are having in their hands all answers I was searching for.

In few short months my illusion and slavery to inefficient workout programs was destroyed and transformed in to fulfillment of my fitness goals. I don't know about you but it took me a while to come to real stuff. From the day I started doing things right I never stopped growing, increasing lifts and strength and I feel so good! I gained 43lbs in first nine month with less time and struggle and without all that fancy and useless supplements!

It turned out that Mike, Chad and few other guys and girls from my new gym are following muscle building system which I have heard few times about but never in magazines so that complete answer on my "how to gain muscle mass" question was literally in front of my nose all the time! It is just that they didn't claim that they know what is the fastest way to gain muscle. You can say I was young and stupid, I can justify myself like that too, but over the years I could see same or very similar things happening to all kinds of people.

People in different ages and social structures search for answer to this same question but they are being very often misled in their attempts to find out what is the fastest way to gain muscle and enjoy the results. They become followers of incomplete exercise programs and addicts on muscle building supplements as I had been. We all decide for ourselves and I know this will help you so much specially if you are somewhere in beginning of your muscle building / fitness journey.

You can build up Massive and Strong Body Fast, without expensive supplements. Many do not, BUT I want you to know exact and proven system. Feel free to download my How to Gain Muscle Mass Free e-Book & Video's.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How I Came To The Fast Muscles Gain Method

You are not inspired for going to the gym today? Are you maybe getting tired of not seeing results from your workouts? Despite you try hard to follow exercise routine and diet it seems you don't advance fast. Many people are facing this exact same problem while trying to build muscle tone, burn that extra fat and gain muscle. I had hard time to find fast, effective method to fast muscles gain.. Here is how I came to the solution.

Sure, I tried so many things; internet is filled with "ultimate, best, magical" solutions in various forms. I don't know why but results from different systems, supplements and methods I purchased were just to slow and weak. I'm sure you also work hard at the gym and you want to see results, needless to ask, isn't it? After 16 months of struggle I really got frustrated and this was what gave me strong drive to get out from the stagnation fast.

In my intense search for the fast muscles gain method I came across the study which was done several years ago. It showed that one of the best ways to build muscle tone fast is to change the speed at which you lift the weights during your weight training session. To get maximum results, one should slow down the weight lifting movements they say and here is how they explained why.

By slowing the speed and rate at which you move a weight, you reduce the natural momentum of the weight training movement which stimulates the muscles to work harder. In this way your muscles are forced to work more, you make Fast Muscles Gain in terms of building muscle tone and muscle mass. I tried implementing all I learned about this method and soon I found it really has strong impact on quality of my workouts. Soon I discovered that this type of weightlifting keep the heart rate up during weight training sessions which gives great cardiovascular benefits.

Quite few proponents of "slow resistance training" method for building muscle tone fast believe the cardiovascular benefits of this approach are superior to aerobic training. They also explain that this is one of the fastest ways to burn excess fat while building muscle tone and muscle mass. Well, I must admit there is a lot truth in this.

So how you can start with this super slow workout method?

You can use either free weights or machines, as you like. But, many experienced weight lifters emphasize that weight lifting machines are more time consuming and there is a need you master different safety features in order to work hard without getting injured. There are different levels but for the start best one is ten / four seconds one. It is suggested that you lift up the weight over the period of ten seconds and then lower it for a count of four seconds. Fast muscles gain is a results you will get very soon if you give a chance to this.

If your main goal is to build muscle tone best is you start with set of twelve repetitions for each exercise. Take care you have a full range of motion and good movement form. One good advice you may find very useful for maintaining good form, is that you lower the weight you normally use by about 20%. In that way you will be able to give your best. Watch for your breathing. Be sure to keep your breathing steady throughout each set.

When I switched to this "slow" method I finally started advancing. This method gave me great results in quite short time periods. But in few months I came to my first plateau level. I was so happy since my body really transformed so much but then I also started feeling there is something missing in my routines. I wanted to keep up with this advancement rate.

In order to make that happen I was forced to research more. Soon it became clear that I'm not the "only one" who is getting benefits of this method. There are experts who joined this and other methods together with proven principals and strategies all aimed at getting fast muscles gain results in shortest time possible.

Fortunately we live in this wonderful age of information's where we can get to the things we want and need quite fast. Internet gives as power of knowledge and in my opinion it is just a question of learning to differentiate between genuine and false sources of knowledge which keeps us stagnating.

You can Build Your Muscle Tone, and Muscle Mass Fast without risking your health. Visit my web page to claim your Free Ebook and Learn the Secrets of Natural and Fast Muscle Building.