Sunday, August 17, 2008

3 Tips for the Male Muscle Building Success !

What are the causes of muscle growth?

To make your muscles grow in size and strength , three things are required.
There are essencial thing to all things we do. For the male muscle building three main factors are required to promote fast muscle growth:

1. A Stimulus to the muscles - Weight lifting is needed to make the muscles work, use up the energy from body and cause microscopic damage to the muscle fibers.

2. Proper Nutrition - for having success with intense exercise program the muscles need to replenish their stocks of fuel.

3. Rest - muscles repair the microscopic damage and they do grow during the rest or recovery phase.

Here are the supplements I can recommend from experiance. They are so potent if properlly used together with the complete male muscle building workout program and good diet.

Creatine :

This is a never ending source for positive health and muscle-building benefits for your muscle growth . It is important to use plenty of liquid , water is still the best, that will make you even stronger and able to lift heavier and advance more and even recover faster. Good lean muscle gains is easy to achieve with this, and that facilitates you to work more and go for better and better muscle growth stimulation.

Protein Powders:

Whey Isolate Powder is the best food supplement you can take to help repair and growth of muscle tissue after an intense exercise program. Casein Protein is to be taken just before going to sleep at night . It's a slow digesting Protein and it is best to supply the body with a continuous flow of amino acids for repair the "damage" in the tissue and to stimulate the growth through the night while you sleep.

Muscles are gaining size and weight due to hypertrophic adaptation and an increase in the cross section area of individual muscle fibers. Intensive training impacts more on the strength influencing fast twitch type II fibers, therefore the increase in muscle size is resulting with greater strength of your muscles.

There are various other supplements like various amino acids, protein bars, growth hormone, and a huge selection of multi vitamins, all with varying ingredients focuses to help promote muscle growth. Growth Hormone is released by the pituitary gland and causes our growth, particularly during our teenage years when we hit puberty. In time, this hormone functions slows down, but if we take it in clever and scientific way as a supplement to our nutrition , we witness a significant increase in growth in muscles and sometimes in bone growth as well. This is a popular choice for muscle building supplements, since the results are very stunning and often surprise people with repeated use.

Protein bars are a safe and delicious way to help promote muscle growth. Many people love to eat them in order to help stave off hunger and provide the body with an extra boost of energy, without sugar or fat. Protein Bars are made by hundreds of different companies, so you should be able to find one you like with a few different tries.

How to increase muscle size ?

You must really Go Heavy and Work Hard ! As much you attack your muscles you'll damage more fibers and force them to rebuild bigger and stronger. Off course it is clever to use good advices from real life athletes with experience and knowledge. You noticed already that it is not easy to separate quality from crap nowadays, especially for not experienced athletes. Created was the power male muscle building
system. Back to the theme , basic things to achieve muscle growth are :

1. Heavy weights.

2. Low repetitions (6-8).

3. Long rest periods (2-4 mins).

The low reps affect muscle fibers in a unique way that causes maximum muscle growth. The heavier the weight, the more muscle fibers are used.

This type of training also stimulates our natural levels of testosterone. Testosterone is the ''muscle growth'' hormone!

I prefer doing compound exercises for this type of training like the squat, the bench press and the shoulder press. You can use a lot of weight in these movements to strongly stimulate muscle growth.

A study published in 1997 found that knocking out the myostatin gene in mice enabled them to grow bigger muscles. Studies on cattle also found that those that were naturally bulky produced less Myostatin protein. The scientists believe these latest findings show that the same process works in humans.

They also believe that techniques used to block this gene in mice could be used on humans, including those who have difficulty developing muscles.

"This is the first evidence that Myostatin regulates muscle mass in people as it does in other animals," said Dr Se-Jin Lee, professor of molecular biology and genetics.

So , I hope this three elements are already fully present in your routines. If not please do consider this , you will see improvements very fast. It took me quite some time to find exact balance and best male muscle building program for myself but when I finally did I packed 25lbs of lean muscle mass in just three months.

Here is another Video you can like and use to enhance your muscle gains and advancement .

Author: Sasha James

Web Site:


You can download my Free eBook and contact me with any questions you may have.
I'll be more than happy to help you get near to your muscle building goals fast....

OR ...

You can read more useful articles at

Male Muscle Building Success

Man Muscle Building Workouts :

Women Muscle Building Workouts :

Ultimate Muscle Advantage :

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